Guest of "Cultures monde" on France culture on 31 October 2019 for an interview on...
On the morning of 17 October 2019, an agreement between the EU and the United...
Guest of "Face à Bachelot" on LCI on October 17, 2019 to discuss the Brexit...
A joint statement by the Presidents of the European Movement - France & Germany, Yves...
Following the dismissal of Sylvie Goulard by the European Parliament on 10 October 2019, Yves...
During the Inside edition of Thursday 10 October 2019 on BFM Business, Yves Bertoncini, President...
Will Brexit ever take place? Brexit, the series that the most creative screenwriters of television...
Le samedi 14 septembre 2019 à 15 heures, le Mouvement Européen Pyrénées Orientales organise une...
As the date of the Brexit approaches, British policy and Boris Johnson's strategy seem increasingly...
On BFM Business on September 5, 2019, Yves Bertoncini gave us his analysis of Boris...